A trip - Ślęża Massif, a trip to the interior of the Earth



Place of event

the Ślęża Massif
the Ślęża Massif


We invite you for a trip as part of the 2nd Weekend in Geopark!
June 8, 2019

Legend has it that Ślęża was created when angels covered the entrance to hell with stones. Is there a grain of truth in old applications? After all, some believe that the highest elevation of the Sudeten Foothills is an extinct volcano. The answer to this question can be found by watching the unusual rocks of the Ślęża Massif formed hundreds of millions of years by the fiery element, and by the way we will find out what riches can be hidden in seemingly ordinary rocks.

Collection: 10.00 Tąpadła Pass

Route: Tąpadła Pass - a serpentinite quarry - Skalna - ancient quarries - Kwarcowa Góra - Tąpadła Pass
distance: about 8.5 km
duration: 10:00 - 15:00

Access: car access (parking at the Tąpadła Pass) and public transport - bus at 8:40 in Wrocław, initial stop Galeria Dominikańska (Oławska street, near PZU), next stops: Eureka, Skwerowa, Hallera, Przyjaźni, Bielany Wrocławskie center, Bielany Wrocławskie Castorama.
Return buses at 15:07 and 15:40
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