Polish Jews in KL Gross-Rosen. Lecture by Dr. Hab. Dorota Sula.



Place of event

Dzierżoniów Commune Public Library. Władysława Reymonta will have the pleasure of hosting Mrs. Dorota Sula in December. The doctor of humanities in history will give a lecture entitled: Polish Jews in KL Gross-Rosen.

The author's interests in books and dozens of articles focus mainly on totalitarian systems and the Gross-Rosen concentration camp, as well as the issues of resettlement and repatriation in the 20th century of the Polish population in Russia and the USSR. He works at the Gross-Rosen Museum. He deals with issues and research related to the dissemination of knowledge about this place. He cooperates with many research centers in Poland and abroad. She is the author of the exhibition dedicated to the camps of the Riese complex.

We invite you to an open lecture on December 13 at 5 p.m. in the reading room of the library in Mościsko. It was in Faulbrück that an independent men's labor camp for prisoners of Jewish origin was incorporated into Groß-Rosen in 1944.