Rynek 26 tenement



  • Address: Rynek 26, 55-080 Kąty Wrocławskie
The house number 26 is one of the most interesting features of Kąty's town square. The three-storey Neo-Renaissance building was erected in 1899 and clearly dominates the view. The mansard roof, rusticated and decorative facade distinguish the building and are signs of the owners' affluence. The coat of arms of Kąty, depicting two lions and an image of a two-headed German eagle, was placed in the bay window on the first floor level. Before WWII, a publishing house and a bookbindery of Hermann Knoof were located here. At the front, there was a big stationery store where one could also buy some books, postcards, and the local paper, which was printed at the back of the store.